Welcome to our exciting giveaway! We are giving you the chance to win a rare Pikachu-Colored Pichu. This is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity for any Pokemon fan. Enter now and experience the thrill of being the lucky winner of this prized possession. Don’t miss out on this amazing chance to add this rare Pokemon to your collection!
Participating in our giveaway is a great opportunity to win a rare Pikachu-Colored Pichu, which will surely make your collection stand out from the rest. Many users have already shared their positive experiences and excitement about this giveaway on social media platforms. Don’t miss your chance to be the lucky winner and add this unique Pokémon to your collection. Join our giveaway now and experience the thrill of winning a rare Pikachu-Colored Pichu.
Calling all NYC metropolitan area cosplayers or, anyone close enough to come! My friend and I are trying to. Green or Blue , and I took tons of pictures from the two pokemon photoshoots at Otakon, as well as photos. Hey guys. Im in western Washington Tacoma-Seattle area, specifically. Im looking to start a cosplay group, but my friends are a bit to. Anonymous comments are disabled in this journal. Your IP address will be recorded. Log in No account? Create an account. Remember me. Previous Share Flag Next. Alright people, you know the drill. Giveaway time! This time for the Pikachu Colored Pichu. The Pikachu Colored Pichu I am giving away is cloned. If you dont like clones, sorry. So, even though theyre question marks on the badge, then all have the same spread. This Pichu is also always Jolly. Should be apparent I only need fodder. If you want to give me something neat besides crap youre more than welcome to. This time use the Platinum code. That code shows up when the Griseous Orb shows on my trainer card. Alrighty, Im all done, sorry if you were waiting for one I have stuff to do. Thanks for participating! Status Offline. Post a new comment Error Comments allowed for members only Anonymous comments are disabled in this journal. Your reply will be screened Your IP address will be recorded. Post a new comment. Preview comment.
This page is set to give you all the data you require for these events including dates, what you get, and what you do to get them. Click here for details on how to get Mystery Gift. This opens up a brand new room which has 5 items within which allow you to change the form of your Rotom. Click Here for further details. Once there, you fall asleep and wake up on New Moon Island. Once you make your way into the Island, you will find Darkrai there. He is at Level 50 so be prepared for a tough battle. Once captured, you will hear a booming voice explaining why he placed Darkrai on that island. You will see that the area has turned to be filled with flowers as opposed to the muddy rockface area it was beforehand. Professor Oak and Marley soon come up and say that youre meant to write down what youre most thankful for by the stone. Once done, Shaymin will appear and run up north to the Flower Paradise. Once you make your way up there, you will find Shaymin in its Land Forme ready to be captured. However, this Shaymin will also activate the Glacidea Flower and, if you already have it, it is transformable. This Jirachi has special moves and details not found in normal Jirachi. It is also the only way to get Jirachi in the current generation of games. Click here for further details. This Mew is Level 5 but knows no special moves. The details of it are as follows. This Scizor is Level 50 but knows no special moves. There are no special events that it unlocks. This Pikachu is Level 50 but knows no special moves but is based upon Ashs Pikachu. Click here for further details Level 5. Trainer Memo??? Date of Obtaining WiFi Event. Apparently had a fateful encounter at Lv. Ribbons Classic Ribbon. Hold Item Liechi Berry. Europe ?? Date of Obtaining???. Attacks Pound. Ribbons Premier Ribbon. Release Dates Japan?? Trainer Memo Jolly Nature. Date of Obtaining Wi-Fi Event. Trainer Memo Adamant Nature. Hold Item Starf Berry. Trainer Memo Naughty Nature. Hold Item Light Ball. Micle Berry. Rash Nature. Zap Cannon. Custap Berry. Adamant Nature. Flare Blitz. Rowap Berry. Relaxed Nature. Sheer Cold.
You can even get a few cool things by doing so. Forgot password? Account Name. Password Forgot password? Keep me signed in. Community members will not see the footer advertisement. Interested in joining the giveaway? Click here! This thread is closed. It will not accept new replies. Seen December 18th, Hello everyone. Sorry if Im not following typical protocol or should be posting this somewhere else, I made an account just to ask this question. I was watching a video about the Spiky Eared Pichu from HGSS being one of the rarest event pokemon and I was wondering if there was still any value in it. I have one from the event thats completely legitimate. Its very cool with the different sprite and everything. I was as deep into the games as someone could be, but pretty much stopped after Black 2 and White 2. Ive recently picked them up again and have been playing Sun, but Ive noticed so much has changed since those times regarding the way you can trade, using pokemon bank, making sure the pokemon arent hacks, etc. This is a big reason why I wanted to consult a forum was because I really dont know how to get started if anyone actually did want this Pichu. Respond Ignore User Report. Age Kevin is absolutely correct. Gone forever for personal reasons. Visit my Tumblr page if you wish to contact me.